I have 3 unfinished blog posts just waiting to be finished up and posted. So I apologize for the lack of reading material. It's coming soon. There will just be a shower of "Kaitlyn's on winter break" blogs. You'll see. Hopefully.
Sidebar, good luck on finals guys. Study hard. Sleep. Don't get sick.
Which leads me to my next point (see what I did there? clever. yes clever).
Let's take a small jaunt down memory lane shall we? Kaitlyn, in high school, terrified of germs. Kaitlyn, in college, no longer terrified of germs. Details aside, I can laugh about it now. As if I am not constantly laughing at myself, but you get the idea.
So in case you missed it, might I present, my inner monologue circa 2005-2010.
1. If someone around you is sick, you will catch it, you will then get so sick that you cannot function as a human. The world will stop turning, and you're good as dead.
2. Arrive at restaurant.
Excuse yourself to go use the restroom.
Wash your hands. Turn off sink, realize you just recontaminated your hands by touching sink.
Rewash hands, turn off sink with elbows, reach for door handle...
Rewash hands, turn off sink with elbows, reach for door handle with sleeve over hand, remember that guy at lunch that brushed up against your arm and probably contaminated your sleeve
Rewash hands, turn off sink with elbows, wait by door until someone else opens it to come in, dart past them. Walk with hands in fists to table. sit with hands folded tightly together, under the table.
Someone hands you their menu....ARE YOU KIDDING ME...there's no dodging it. You are polite.
Excuse yourself to go use the restroom.
3. Stomach Ulcers.
4. Worrying that your ulcers are the flu. Stomach ulcer's get worse.
5. Huffing Lysol makes every bit of logical sense to you. You literally cannot think of a reason not to huff Lysol. It would sanitize your lungs! As long as there are no germs in your body, you are healthy. You don't do it. (Phew.) You do however, Lysol your breakfast cereal that one time...maybe twice..anyway,
6. Sick people are lepers. If you come within 5 feet of them, hold your breath. Excommunication is incredibly rude, and you know it. Think of clever ways to dodge conversations. Cleaning your sock drawer is important business yo.
7. Don't share drinks. If someone asks, tell them you're sick. If there's even a chance that someone has taken a sip out of your water bottle, its done.
8. Hoard your food. Sanitize the bags your keeping it in. Don't let people question why all you have eaten for the past week is carefully rationed cheerios.
9. Your hands start bleeding cause you washed um 30 times today. You remember Magic School Bus episode where they all get into the sick person's body through the cut on their knee. *Existential crisis.
10. Live in a constant state of panic and stress. Stress and panic lower your immune system. Get sick all the time. *Irony.
11. Realize you probably have a problem. Refuse to get help because that would require going to a doctors office. Do you know who goes to doctors offices? Sick people. Absolutely out of the question.
11. Go to college. Share a really small room with someone who (inevitably) gets sick. Learn that the common cold is not comparable to having a stroke. Months later, you can breath a little. Life gets easier.
And there ya go. If any of this sounds familiar, I'm gonna help you out a little: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd/index.shtml
(basically I'm reppin the crap out of this website)
And for any of you who just judged real hard, here's this: http://www.mentalhealthvic.org.au/index.php?id=112
No live on enlightened one, live on.
Kaitlyn or Kait or Kaity. As people often ask which a prefer. And I have no preference. Boom.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
My Overwhelmingly Positive Review of Silver Linings Playbook.
How are your finals going? I'm gonna hope your answer is "done." But I go to Loyola and ours run over 4 days. Go figure. But in case you're concerned, mine were great. I wrote 4 essays in 2 days in a fevery daze. A literal fever. In public. I would see people well across the way, blink, and they were within feet of my person. Ran into Jonathan Wilson. Not literally, no fear. The whole experience was... It was... honestly I can't say. But my papers got in.
Quote of the Day: "The lights got light and it got real festive real fast" -my essay.
Now for something less self deprecating.
Silver Linings Playbook is the greatest. If you haven't seen it, drop what you're doing right now and go. The story follows Pat, who has just been released from a mental hospital after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. For those who know me, you'll realize that this is in my trifecta of obsessive interests (Musical theatre, sharks, mental disorders). Bipolar disorder hits particularly close to home. But private things are private, and these are the interwebs. So I'm gonna leave it at that.
But really, so see it. Need convincing? If blogging be the food of great movies, read on: [It worked better in my head.]
This is the most honest portrayal of bipolar disorder I have seen in a movie/tv show/reality series. They didn't go for the over dramatic, controversial storyline. My favorite part is that there was NOT ONE mention of or attempt at suicide or self injury. I'm not suggesting we ignore the most dangerous aspect of bipolar, but as soon as self injury gets brought up, we all make some assumptions: cutter, crazy, pitiable, sick, attention seeking, over dramatic, gross. These assumptions completely take over the character and we ignore all their other colors. So thanks writers for not taking the easy way out here.
By keeping it light, the script was able to stay beautifully honest. This is my problem with other interpretations of mental illness in the media. Let's take the beloved "Next To Normal." Sure, it's tragic, great. That's real sad for those of you looking in on their family. I know that was a broad sweeping statement, and I don't judge anyone for being affected by it, but I personally found it hard to sympathize with. My impression of the show is that I have already lived most of it. And that Diana lives till the end. But that is neither here nor there. I'm worried that after seeing such dramatic portrayals makes people who haven't experienced mental illness first hand think that that's how it always goes. This is so destructive. It stops people from looking up actual facts about the illnesses. There's more to people than razor blades and cleaning sprees. It also dehumanizes the affected person. When all you remember about Diana is the pills, the cutting, and the broken family, you don't get to look at her as a person. Just think about it. And educate yourself. Here: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml
I don't want to offend anyone. And I know that most of my friends are very knowledgeable on the subject of mental disorders. But I'm forever campaigning to dispel the stereotypes surrounding them. So please, give the site a once over. Or a thrice over. It'll be worth it.
*elegantly steps of soapbox. Back to Silver Linings.
Do the families have arguments? Yep. Do they have the potential to become the central conceit of the show? Yes. But when events like this are a part of your day to day, you don't give them the quality of attention that an outside observer would. I appreciate the lack of dramatic injury montages from this one. It had a real sense of "Well that happened. Lets keep on keepin on." Yes. Thank you for not making Pat a monster.
I love that Pat and Tiffany could have ugly, loud, public fights. It was honest. It was ugly. It wasn't over dramatic. I love that Pat, his brother, and his therapist could get into huge public fights. Again, honest and ugly. And unbiased. This movie doesn't create a hierarchy of humans based on their diagnosis or lack thereof. And the person with bipolar disorder isn't a monster. Praise Jesus.
There's a quote that I don't remember exactly, but it really resonated with me. It was something along the liens of, "Maybe people like us know something ya know? Like something that not everyone knows." Again, yes. Not brought up as a major theme later in the movie, no worries, he doesn't have a hero complex. But still. Yes.
Also, his dad has a touch of OCD. And, unbeknownst to Robert De Niro, we totes had a heart to heart.
This movie reaffirmed for me that you can reach and affect people without going for the super dramatic. Also comedic lightness. Effective. Yes.
So I wrote my most serious blog about it. You're welcome.
Woof, I hope this makes sense. I'm having a really hard time putting words to this. Seeing this movie was like being on the inside of a beautifully crass inside joke. It represents the community of people dealing with mental disorders really really well. And you all need to see it.
The end.
Muchos love,
How are your finals going? I'm gonna hope your answer is "done." But I go to Loyola and ours run over 4 days. Go figure. But in case you're concerned, mine were great. I wrote 4 essays in 2 days in a fevery daze. A literal fever. In public. I would see people well across the way, blink, and they were within feet of my person. Ran into Jonathan Wilson. Not literally, no fear. The whole experience was... It was... honestly I can't say. But my papers got in.
Quote of the Day: "The lights got light and it got real festive real fast" -my essay.
Now for something less self deprecating.
Silver Linings Playbook is the greatest. If you haven't seen it, drop what you're doing right now and go. The story follows Pat, who has just been released from a mental hospital after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. For those who know me, you'll realize that this is in my trifecta of obsessive interests (Musical theatre, sharks, mental disorders). Bipolar disorder hits particularly close to home. But private things are private, and these are the interwebs. So I'm gonna leave it at that.
But really, so see it. Need convincing? If blogging be the food of great movies, read on: [It worked better in my head.]
This is the most honest portrayal of bipolar disorder I have seen in a movie/tv show/reality series. They didn't go for the over dramatic, controversial storyline. My favorite part is that there was NOT ONE mention of or attempt at suicide or self injury. I'm not suggesting we ignore the most dangerous aspect of bipolar, but as soon as self injury gets brought up, we all make some assumptions: cutter, crazy, pitiable, sick, attention seeking, over dramatic, gross. These assumptions completely take over the character and we ignore all their other colors. So thanks writers for not taking the easy way out here.
By keeping it light, the script was able to stay beautifully honest. This is my problem with other interpretations of mental illness in the media. Let's take the beloved "Next To Normal." Sure, it's tragic, great. That's real sad for those of you looking in on their family. I know that was a broad sweeping statement, and I don't judge anyone for being affected by it, but I personally found it hard to sympathize with. My impression of the show is that I have already lived most of it. And that Diana lives till the end. But that is neither here nor there. I'm worried that after seeing such dramatic portrayals makes people who haven't experienced mental illness first hand think that that's how it always goes. This is so destructive. It stops people from looking up actual facts about the illnesses. There's more to people than razor blades and cleaning sprees. It also dehumanizes the affected person. When all you remember about Diana is the pills, the cutting, and the broken family, you don't get to look at her as a person. Just think about it. And educate yourself. Here: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml
I don't want to offend anyone. And I know that most of my friends are very knowledgeable on the subject of mental disorders. But I'm forever campaigning to dispel the stereotypes surrounding them. So please, give the site a once over. Or a thrice over. It'll be worth it.
*elegantly steps of soapbox. Back to Silver Linings.
Do the families have arguments? Yep. Do they have the potential to become the central conceit of the show? Yes. But when events like this are a part of your day to day, you don't give them the quality of attention that an outside observer would. I appreciate the lack of dramatic injury montages from this one. It had a real sense of "Well that happened. Lets keep on keepin on." Yes. Thank you for not making Pat a monster.
I love that Pat and Tiffany could have ugly, loud, public fights. It was honest. It was ugly. It wasn't over dramatic. I love that Pat, his brother, and his therapist could get into huge public fights. Again, honest and ugly. And unbiased. This movie doesn't create a hierarchy of humans based on their diagnosis or lack thereof. And the person with bipolar disorder isn't a monster. Praise Jesus.
There's a quote that I don't remember exactly, but it really resonated with me. It was something along the liens of, "Maybe people like us know something ya know? Like something that not everyone knows." Again, yes. Not brought up as a major theme later in the movie, no worries, he doesn't have a hero complex. But still. Yes.
Also, his dad has a touch of OCD. And, unbeknownst to Robert De Niro, we totes had a heart to heart.
This movie reaffirmed for me that you can reach and affect people without going for the super dramatic. Also comedic lightness. Effective. Yes.
So I wrote my most serious blog about it. You're welcome.
Woof, I hope this makes sense. I'm having a really hard time putting words to this. Seeing this movie was like being on the inside of a beautifully crass inside joke. It represents the community of people dealing with mental disorders really really well. And you all need to see it.
The end.
Muchos love,
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Stuff I Did Instead of Writing My Movement Paper.
1. Consumed 10 times the daily recommended dose of vitamin C.
2. Facebook.com
3. Spinny chair spinning for 7 minutes.
3a. Tums.
4. A pirouette stopped by a door knob.
5. Ate some salt. Don't knock it till you try it.
6. Drank 2 bottles of water.
7. Peed.
8. Head --> Keyboard.
9. Stretched my psoas, hamstrings, hip flexors, and glutes.
10. Not laundry. Because than I would have achieved something.
11. Planned to go to choir rehearsal. This will take up 2 hours of my night.
Two hours that should be spent studying for midterms and writing the multiple papers I have due this week. Or registering for my absentee ballot. Or planning my classes next semester. Or finalizing my audition material for November. And I blame my lack of productivity on my busy schedule when CLEARLY free time is my downfall.
Best of luck to my compadres who are in the same boat. Happy studying! And by "studying" I mean hours of chair spinning and room cleaning.
2. Facebook.com
3. Spinny chair spinning for 7 minutes.
3a. Tums.
4. A pirouette stopped by a door knob.
5. Ate some salt. Don't knock it till you try it.
6. Drank 2 bottles of water.
7. Peed.
8. Head --> Keyboard.
9. Stretched my psoas, hamstrings, hip flexors, and glutes.
10. Not laundry. Because than I would have achieved something.
11. Planned to go to choir rehearsal. This will take up 2 hours of my night.
Two hours that should be spent studying for midterms and writing the multiple papers I have due this week. Or registering for my absentee ballot. Or planning my classes next semester. Or finalizing my audition material for November. And I blame my lack of productivity on my busy schedule when CLEARLY free time is my downfall.
Best of luck to my compadres who are in the same boat. Happy studying! And by "studying" I mean hours of chair spinning and room cleaning.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Why I Hate Your Smartphone
Tragedy has struck the apartment.
Three of my (soon to be) four roommates have smart phones.
My grandpa like reflexes have always been keen to the dangers of new fangled doodads like the internet, calculators, texting, and online dating sites. Why can't we just grab our abacuses, head to the bar, and pick up dates the old fashioned way? By talking about your latest re-read of the Little House on the Prairie series and smoke signaling if you're up for a second date.
I recognize that giving up your smart phone may be a little harder than burning your abacus or doing away with the telegraph system, but the reward will far outweigh the price. Without further adieu (stop playing angry birds. Right now. You, yes You. I see you there. Put the phone down. Everything will be alright) Allow me to present: Why your Smart phone is the Work of the Devil.
Point 1: Smart phones inhibit social skills. Social interactions with me are tangibly uncomfortable to begin with, if I had the crutch of unlimited knowledge/busy work at my finger tips, I would probably become a mole person. But in all seriousness, if I'm talking to you, you have my full attention. (Or at least my attempt at full attention, I have this tendency to zone out without realizing it. But that's a topic for another day.) Nothing makes me crazier than someone whipping out their phone and texting someone else while we are having a conversation. That person in your phone isn't in this room with us, ergo they're not in on our conversation. Also, as someone who occasionally texts while conversing (recovering texting addict), it's really hard to concentrate on what the other person is saying to you! Makes you feel real outa the loop. What's worse is when two people are talking while simultaneously playing on their smart phones. There conversations go a little something like this:
Azra: Yeah.... no it drives me crazy when that teacher does that chalk thing in that class.
Marco: I know, it's ... so annoying, right?!?!
Azra: So annoying. Yeah.
Marco: Yeah with the chalkboard ... I can't think of ... hold on a sec .... uhmm Do you wanna get lunch?
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AZRA NO. NO YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET LUNCH. You should both go sit in your respective bubbles and chat with people who are not there about arbitrary things in 160 characters or less.
SUB POINT 1: When we are in a room full of people talking to a person whose not in the room, we are not really present in the room. I like human contact. Let's not let that die yeah? Cause I'll overcompensate by cuddling with all of you. All the time. And you'll be uncomfortable.
Point 2: Hey, do you know the average life span of a Panda? Me neither, don't you DARE look it up on your phone. You don't need to know that right now. For the love of all things good and holy, wait till you get home. Then google it if you must. It drives me insane when we're in the middle of a conversation and you decide that you need to show me HOURS of information and videos on your TINY SCREEN to "enhance" our chat. I don't care. That's what documentaries and research papers are for. And I genuinely enjoy those.
Point 3: GPS. I have to admit that I have definitely been saved by friend's iPhone's whilst traversing Chicago. And I am only temporarily grateful. Knowing I can be saved by a travelers iPhone makes me not learn the area I'm in. Dangerous stuff. The iPhone does not have an "avoid ghetto" option. And I'm on foot. It's a crutch yo. Get a map...and while you're at it, grab one for me as well... If you think your sense of direction is bad now, wait till you get a smart phone. You will lose all organic ability to navigate. And that's sad.
Point 4: We don't need unlimited information at our fingertips. You don't need to know everything right now. Use your brain, think about it. Be patient.
If you have a remedial phone, keep it. Resist. Join me.
If your brain has already been taken over by your smart phone... It'll probably be like quitting hard drugs.
I'm here for moral support.
Quote of the day: "Apartment problem #483: I don't lock our bathroom door because our bathroom door doesn't close." Do with that what you will. And pee before you visit.
Three of my (soon to be) four roommates have smart phones.
My grandpa like reflexes have always been keen to the dangers of new fangled doodads like the internet, calculators, texting, and online dating sites. Why can't we just grab our abacuses, head to the bar, and pick up dates the old fashioned way? By talking about your latest re-read of the Little House on the Prairie series and smoke signaling if you're up for a second date.
I recognize that giving up your smart phone may be a little harder than burning your abacus or doing away with the telegraph system, but the reward will far outweigh the price. Without further adieu (stop playing angry birds. Right now. You, yes You. I see you there. Put the phone down. Everything will be alright) Allow me to present: Why your Smart phone is the Work of the Devil.
Point 1: Smart phones inhibit social skills. Social interactions with me are tangibly uncomfortable to begin with, if I had the crutch of unlimited knowledge/busy work at my finger tips, I would probably become a mole person. But in all seriousness, if I'm talking to you, you have my full attention. (Or at least my attempt at full attention, I have this tendency to zone out without realizing it. But that's a topic for another day.) Nothing makes me crazier than someone whipping out their phone and texting someone else while we are having a conversation. That person in your phone isn't in this room with us, ergo they're not in on our conversation. Also, as someone who occasionally texts while conversing (recovering texting addict), it's really hard to concentrate on what the other person is saying to you! Makes you feel real outa the loop. What's worse is when two people are talking while simultaneously playing on their smart phones. There conversations go a little something like this:
Azra: Yeah.... no it drives me crazy when that teacher does that chalk thing in that class.
Marco: I know, it's ... so annoying, right?!?!
Azra: So annoying. Yeah.
Marco: Yeah with the chalkboard ... I can't think of ... hold on a sec .... uhmm Do you wanna get lunch?
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AZRA NO. NO YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET LUNCH. You should both go sit in your respective bubbles and chat with people who are not there about arbitrary things in 160 characters or less.
SUB POINT 1: When we are in a room full of people talking to a person whose not in the room, we are not really present in the room. I like human contact. Let's not let that die yeah? Cause I'll overcompensate by cuddling with all of you. All the time. And you'll be uncomfortable.
Point 2: Hey, do you know the average life span of a Panda? Me neither, don't you DARE look it up on your phone. You don't need to know that right now. For the love of all things good and holy, wait till you get home. Then google it if you must. It drives me insane when we're in the middle of a conversation and you decide that you need to show me HOURS of information and videos on your TINY SCREEN to "enhance" our chat. I don't care. That's what documentaries and research papers are for. And I genuinely enjoy those.
Point 3: GPS. I have to admit that I have definitely been saved by friend's iPhone's whilst traversing Chicago. And I am only temporarily grateful. Knowing I can be saved by a travelers iPhone makes me not learn the area I'm in. Dangerous stuff. The iPhone does not have an "avoid ghetto" option. And I'm on foot. It's a crutch yo. Get a map...and while you're at it, grab one for me as well... If you think your sense of direction is bad now, wait till you get a smart phone. You will lose all organic ability to navigate. And that's sad.
Point 4: We don't need unlimited information at our fingertips. You don't need to know everything right now. Use your brain, think about it. Be patient.
If you have a remedial phone, keep it. Resist. Join me.
If your brain has already been taken over by your smart phone... It'll probably be like quitting hard drugs.
I'm here for moral support.
Quote of the day: "Apartment problem #483: I don't lock our bathroom door because our bathroom door doesn't close." Do with that what you will. And pee before you visit.
A Defense for the Neurotic
Hi All.
So it's been longer than I'd hoped. Mostly due to a script I got to write and direct. Had 6 lovely, hard working ladies put The Norman Rockwell Monologues on it's feet. And it was a great experience. And then I forgot this post existed until today. Oops.
Quote of the Day: "It does make sense, in a 90s children's movie, to have heterosexual horses."
Segue to blog topic:
Little known Kaitlyn Fact of the Day: I am super envious of people who don't schedule their lives. As of late, this envy might have turned to self hatred, rooted in my inability to adapt to said lifestyle.
My people, if you will, are responsible for a great deal of "stick up your ass" rules. Generally broken by much cooler, English 300 type transcendentalists. We are taught in said English classes that these free spirited folks saved the world from the evils of "The English Social Season" and "the Débutante system." After reading these philosophical, enlightened papers we are encouraged to take up the torch, live freely! Carpe Diem! Take time to smell the roses!
Bull Shit.
I present: A Defense for the Neurotic.
While this abominable concept of "free time" may work for some people, when I am given a chunk of unscheduled time, I panic. Take my MWF schedule. My first class doesn't start till 1:40. Big mistake. In an attempt to be less routine-ee, last Wednesday I decided to wing it. The result: I sat on the quad and ate a sandwich for an hour. Bored out of my mind. Tried to combat intense boredom by checking out a Stephen King novel from the library about baseball.
Nothing about this situation is acceptable. First of all, Stephen King novels are terrifying, and I get freaked out by scary movie trailers. Second, I am in no way a fan of baseball. I like to play pick up games, but I was nearly kicked off my t-ball league for doing cartwheels in the outfield. So if unscheduled time for me results in Blockade Billy, we know there's a serious problem.
Que panic: what the hell is wrong with me that I can't handle a morning with no plans? It literally depresses me to think that there may come a time in my life when I will do reading that I won't later be held accountable for or sing without the prospect of an audition.
Then I got to thinking, what's so bad about scheduling every minute of your life? I mean, you have to spend like $12 on a planner, but other than that, you've got nothing to lose! Want to smell the roses? Pencil it in! How great would your day be if you woke up, looked at your planner, and saw that you were scheduled to smell roses from 2:34-3pm!? DAY MADE.
Also, scheduled people get so much more done. If you see how little time you have to write those 5 papers, you'll get um done before 3am. That said, anyone who frequents the IC knows that I occasionally have sleepovers there. Not the fun kind. The kind where you're alone and unconscious, having stress dreams about your pile of note cards that are only half done.
Now, this is not to say I don't love my transcendental, save the human spirit type folks. A lot of my nearest, dearest friends are not chained to their schedules. And I love that they are so darned unregimented. But I feel like no one ever defends the fun suckers.
You're welcome.
So it's been longer than I'd hoped. Mostly due to a script I got to write and direct. Had 6 lovely, hard working ladies put The Norman Rockwell Monologues on it's feet. And it was a great experience. And then I forgot this post existed until today. Oops.
Quote of the Day: "It does make sense, in a 90s children's movie, to have heterosexual horses."
Segue to blog topic:
Little known Kaitlyn Fact of the Day: I am super envious of people who don't schedule their lives. As of late, this envy might have turned to self hatred, rooted in my inability to adapt to said lifestyle.
My people, if you will, are responsible for a great deal of "stick up your ass" rules. Generally broken by much cooler, English 300 type transcendentalists. We are taught in said English classes that these free spirited folks saved the world from the evils of "The English Social Season" and "the Débutante system." After reading these philosophical, enlightened papers we are encouraged to take up the torch, live freely! Carpe Diem! Take time to smell the roses!
Bull Shit.
I present: A Defense for the Neurotic.
While this abominable concept of "free time" may work for some people, when I am given a chunk of unscheduled time, I panic. Take my MWF schedule. My first class doesn't start till 1:40. Big mistake. In an attempt to be less routine-ee, last Wednesday I decided to wing it. The result: I sat on the quad and ate a sandwich for an hour. Bored out of my mind. Tried to combat intense boredom by checking out a Stephen King novel from the library about baseball.
Nothing about this situation is acceptable. First of all, Stephen King novels are terrifying, and I get freaked out by scary movie trailers. Second, I am in no way a fan of baseball. I like to play pick up games, but I was nearly kicked off my t-ball league for doing cartwheels in the outfield. So if unscheduled time for me results in Blockade Billy, we know there's a serious problem.
Que panic: what the hell is wrong with me that I can't handle a morning with no plans? It literally depresses me to think that there may come a time in my life when I will do reading that I won't later be held accountable for or sing without the prospect of an audition.
Then I got to thinking, what's so bad about scheduling every minute of your life? I mean, you have to spend like $12 on a planner, but other than that, you've got nothing to lose! Want to smell the roses? Pencil it in! How great would your day be if you woke up, looked at your planner, and saw that you were scheduled to smell roses from 2:34-3pm!? DAY MADE.
Also, scheduled people get so much more done. If you see how little time you have to write those 5 papers, you'll get um done before 3am. That said, anyone who frequents the IC knows that I occasionally have sleepovers there. Not the fun kind. The kind where you're alone and unconscious, having stress dreams about your pile of note cards that are only half done.
Now, this is not to say I don't love my transcendental, save the human spirit type folks. A lot of my nearest, dearest friends are not chained to their schedules. And I love that they are so darned unregimented. But I feel like no one ever defends the fun suckers.
You're welcome.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Consider this that love note I never wrote cause I'm not square. Wait, who am I kidding, love notes are not square. Well I mean, they're literally square, maybe more rectangular...
This is really just a quick thought. Mostly because it's 12:15 and I have a 9:30 class tomorrow.
I don't really buy into the concept of God putting people in people's lives for a reason. Than again, I don't really buy into the concept of God, at least not the puppet master, all knowing, personal guide to the universe version I learned in PSR. Any other PSR kids by the by? I feel like most of ya'll went to Catholic school and therefore were protected from the horror that is an additional 2 hours of Monday added onto your Monday simply so you could receive your sacraments.
First world Catholic youth problems.
when I look around, I realize how lucky I am to have met the people I am friends with. I think my personality is just the type where I would literally do nothing until provoked. I've always used the analogy of being a fly on the wall of life. Kindof like a wallflower, only not as dainty, faster, and has bitchin' technical maneuvers.
I need to stop segwaying or this will literally never get finished. Did you know that spell check auto corrects segway" to "nosegay"? How is "segway" not a word but "nosegay" is? ohhh it's because segue is spelled differently from segway. On that subject, I need to start segwaying, it looks like a great form of non-exercise and public humiliation.
...maybe I should get tested...ADD is an actual thing...
OK. Bottom line: To the humans in my life: Thank you for being awesome. I love that you are open about things because I have a lot of walls up. Seeing you be so fearlessly honest makes me feel like the world will not crumble to the ground should I decide to crawl out of my shell. If you're not one of my super open, extroverted friends, no fear, I still love you. Quiet kid solidarity for the win. But really guys. I feel like I don't say this enough, I love and appreciate all of you. Thank you for just being [insert winning adjective that my 12:40 brain can't think of]. Does my lack of an adjective cheapen the fact that I've just complimented NO MORE TANGENTS KAITLYN, GO TO BED.
I'm not schizophrenic I swear.
Good night. Sleep well. Pat yourself on the back for being flawless.
I don't really buy into the concept of God putting people in people's lives for a reason. Than again, I don't really buy into the concept of God, at least not the puppet master, all knowing, personal guide to the universe version I learned in PSR. Any other PSR kids by the by? I feel like most of ya'll went to Catholic school and therefore were protected from the horror that is an additional 2 hours of Monday added onto your Monday simply so you could receive your sacraments.
First world Catholic youth problems.
when I look around, I realize how lucky I am to have met the people I am friends with. I think my personality is just the type where I would literally do nothing until provoked. I've always used the analogy of being a fly on the wall of life. Kindof like a wallflower, only not as dainty, faster, and has bitchin' technical maneuvers.
I need to stop segwaying or this will literally never get finished. Did you know that spell check auto corrects segway" to "nosegay"? How is "segway" not a word but "nosegay" is? ohhh it's because segue is spelled differently from segway. On that subject, I need to start segwaying, it looks like a great form of non-exercise and public humiliation.
...maybe I should get tested...ADD is an actual thing...
OK. Bottom line: To the humans in my life: Thank you for being awesome. I love that you are open about things because I have a lot of walls up. Seeing you be so fearlessly honest makes me feel like the world will not crumble to the ground should I decide to crawl out of my shell. If you're not one of my super open, extroverted friends, no fear, I still love you. Quiet kid solidarity for the win. But really guys. I feel like I don't say this enough, I love and appreciate all of you. Thank you for just being [insert winning adjective that my 12:40 brain can't think of]. Does my lack of an adjective cheapen the fact that I've just complimented NO MORE TANGENTS KAITLYN, GO TO BED.
I'm not schizophrenic I swear.
Good night. Sleep well. Pat yourself on the back for being flawless.
Monday, September 3, 2012
I Know What You Did Last Summer...
Ayeee Mates,
As previously agreed upon, it has been about 3 weeks since my last blog post, and I am back to keeping this thing updated. In short, I finished up my stuff in Cleveland, moved to Chicago, survived a week of classes, celebrated properly, and spent the awake part of my today recovering.
So before all memory of my summer job is taken over by 300 theatre history terms, I'm gonna write a blog about it. And Mates, if anything in my life is blog worthy, this is.
Without further adieu, allow me to present: "Quick Stories/Lessons learned from my summer Working at a Special Needs Summer Camp"
1. Sticks are the work of the devil. Placed on earth only to be used as weapons, weed whackers, obsessed over, javelined, and collected. Situation: kids are not allowed to go into the woods. Kids LOVE STICKS. Sticks are in the woods. 75% of summer spent sprinting through the woods after a child. Fucking sticks.
2. Kiss your personal space good bye at the door. Have you ever had to peel a human off yourself? Did they then start singing Titanic? I don't feel the need to elaborate here.
3. The self defense skills of a ninja. Because there are a lot of reflexes that are out of anyone's control. And they happen fast.
4. Slow down. Anyone's whose walked anywhere with me (class, finals breakfast, unwanted doctors visits) knows that I keep the pace of someone with a gun to their head. Working with kiddos taught me that just about every human on the face of the planet has a slower pace than mine. And if I just talk, walk, and exist a tad closer to normal speed, people actually understand what I'm trying to get across.
5. Not everyone needs words. I think I prefer non verbal communication. Not that I don't see it's faults, but you slip into non verbal functioning without even realizing it. It's pretty cool.
6. Over chlorinated pools can burn off your tan. Funny that you think I'm kidding.
7. Every behavior is a function of something. Theatre folk, this is like acting. Everyone has reasons for their actions. You may not know what they are or understand them. Hell I almost NEVER know why people do what they do, but everyone has their reasons. Here comes the preaching: Stop judging other people because they're different than you. I decided that needed that amount of emphasis. But seriously, it's really starting to piss me off when people make fun of other people because they don't understand them. Why on earth would anyone be intentionally mean or "weird" or different just to piss you off. I'll tell you why, they wouldn't. The problem is that you don't know what's going on in their head. I totally understand the need to vent and blow off steam, but this impersonal enemy of the week shit is getting old. So seriously. I'm gonna start calling people out on it. And if I do it, feel free to call me out as well. Really folks. Humans need to work on this.
*Gets of soap box*
8. Don't sweat the small stuff. For real though. If someone's not about to die, don't freak out. Cause you'll drive yourself, and the rest of the staff, up the wall. My apologies to the staff (also my family, friends, cast, and that one squirrel I cussed out) during field trip week :)
9. I am not cut out for this kind of work.
10. A new appreciation for the educators, staff, counselors, and families who work with the spacial needs population. Seriously. These people have something very special that I definitely don't have. I learned so much from my co-workers and other volunteers this summer. It's a whole different ballgame. All we see is the tip of the ice burg. Major props.
So there's the short list. I've learned so much more this summer than I can put into words. It's definitely an eye opening experience.
Hmmmm there's a way to cap off this blog, but I can't think of it.
*Insert inspirational quote of your choice here*
Or just make fun of me for blogging about my summer job.
Or for having a blog in general.
I can take it.
Good Night.
As previously agreed upon, it has been about 3 weeks since my last blog post, and I am back to keeping this thing updated. In short, I finished up my stuff in Cleveland, moved to Chicago, survived a week of classes, celebrated properly, and spent the awake part of my today recovering.
So before all memory of my summer job is taken over by 300 theatre history terms, I'm gonna write a blog about it. And Mates, if anything in my life is blog worthy, this is.
Without further adieu, allow me to present: "Quick Stories/Lessons learned from my summer Working at a Special Needs Summer Camp"
1. Sticks are the work of the devil. Placed on earth only to be used as weapons, weed whackers, obsessed over, javelined, and collected. Situation: kids are not allowed to go into the woods. Kids LOVE STICKS. Sticks are in the woods. 75% of summer spent sprinting through the woods after a child. Fucking sticks.
2. Kiss your personal space good bye at the door. Have you ever had to peel a human off yourself? Did they then start singing Titanic? I don't feel the need to elaborate here.
3. The self defense skills of a ninja. Because there are a lot of reflexes that are out of anyone's control. And they happen fast.
4. Slow down. Anyone's whose walked anywhere with me (class, finals breakfast, unwanted doctors visits) knows that I keep the pace of someone with a gun to their head. Working with kiddos taught me that just about every human on the face of the planet has a slower pace than mine. And if I just talk, walk, and exist a tad closer to normal speed, people actually understand what I'm trying to get across.
5. Not everyone needs words. I think I prefer non verbal communication. Not that I don't see it's faults, but you slip into non verbal functioning without even realizing it. It's pretty cool.
6. Over chlorinated pools can burn off your tan. Funny that you think I'm kidding.
7. Every behavior is a function of something. Theatre folk, this is like acting. Everyone has reasons for their actions. You may not know what they are or understand them. Hell I almost NEVER know why people do what they do, but everyone has their reasons. Here comes the preaching: Stop judging other people because they're different than you. I decided that needed that amount of emphasis. But seriously, it's really starting to piss me off when people make fun of other people because they don't understand them. Why on earth would anyone be intentionally mean or "weird" or different just to piss you off. I'll tell you why, they wouldn't. The problem is that you don't know what's going on in their head. I totally understand the need to vent and blow off steam, but this impersonal enemy of the week shit is getting old. So seriously. I'm gonna start calling people out on it. And if I do it, feel free to call me out as well. Really folks. Humans need to work on this.
*Gets of soap box*
8. Don't sweat the small stuff. For real though. If someone's not about to die, don't freak out. Cause you'll drive yourself, and the rest of the staff, up the wall. My apologies to the staff (also my family, friends, cast, and that one squirrel I cussed out) during field trip week :)
9. I am not cut out for this kind of work.
10. A new appreciation for the educators, staff, counselors, and families who work with the spacial needs population. Seriously. These people have something very special that I definitely don't have. I learned so much from my co-workers and other volunteers this summer. It's a whole different ballgame. All we see is the tip of the ice burg. Major props.
So there's the short list. I've learned so much more this summer than I can put into words. It's definitely an eye opening experience.
Hmmmm there's a way to cap off this blog, but I can't think of it.
*Insert inspirational quote of your choice here*
Or just make fun of me for blogging about my summer job.
Or for having a blog in general.
I can take it.
Good Night.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Oh hey blog, It's August now. Oops.
Hey Cats,
It's been a while.
Any of you know me personally know that I bit off a little more than I could chew this summer. Needless to say, my blogging dropped off the face of the planet. As so many do. I'll try to keep it up throughout the year. I actually just posted an unfinished blog on CATS that I started in June, so there's that. And I've got another one that can only be described as "shit gets real" (I think I started it in early July) waiting in the wings. Right now it's a lot of emotional vomit. I'm gonna edit it as to not terrify you and I'll post that eventually too.
So here's what's changed since June:
1. My Hair. I'd never dyed my hair before July. Than I bleached the crap out of it. It was a little spicy. But looked awesome. Then I was like, "you're only in your early 20s once" and promptly fulfilled my preteen dream of dying my hair blue. Out of a box. Well actually a jar. But I now have a nice bright blue splotchy ribbon thing atop my head. It looks pretty weird. And I sort of love it. That's a lie, I definitely love it (Credit: Nicole Tischler. Amateur hair colorer extraordinaire). And I can't wait till it grows out into a blondeish, brownish, rooty blueish mullet. Not kidding. Seriously can't wait.
2. Belting. So I'm trying that now. It's resulted in me shout/cracking a lot of half tones at the front row of All Shook Up. Sorry I'm not sorry.
3. My parenting skills. I will write a blog about my summer job. Basically I worked full time at a day camp for special needs children. Lesson learned: Not my thing. Other lessons learned: how to be super mom. Seriously, my kids will be so well behaved, they might be mistaken for robots.
3b. Camper Imitations. I'm really good at these. And I have stories to top all crazy kid stories. Have you ever seen a kid pee in another kid's face? I thought not.
4. Body Image. Not gonna dwell on this. Expect a full blog later. Long story short, stopped dieting, gained some weight, don't care. Quite literally the first time in my life I can say that I'm not freaking out about my body. And it's awesome. Not gonna touch on eating disorders because it's a crazy touchy subject. So I'll tackle that later. I just felt that my brain not being crazy regimented was worth noting. And celebrating. :)
5. My general uptight-ness. Definitely related to #4. But I've chilled out a lot since May. So now I'm probably only like 3 times as nervous as the general populations. Crazy liberating.
6. Tolerance for stupidity. Lower. Much, much lower.
7. Vocalizing my lack of tolerance for stupidity. Higher. Much, much higher.
Hokay, this blog is crappy. But now you're updated. Quick and dirty. Basically I'm super overwhelmed with end of summer, beginning of school year stuff. So stick around. I'm going to try dotting my light witty blogs with a few serious subjects. You won't want to miss me trying to write a serious blog without sounding like a serious blog. It's gonna be fun =]
In the mean time
Here's the plan. I'm gonna sleep. Get myself finished with work and this show. Say adios to my friends and family in Parma. Move my life to Chicago. Sleep some more. Order my books. Start classes. Get a job. Adjust. Sleep more. Gonna give myself 3 weeks or so for my brain to get in order. Then I'll have the time and brain power to write. Super excited to get this started again!
So I'll see ya in 3 weeks.
*Puzzled look*
It's been a while.
Any of you know me personally know that I bit off a little more than I could chew this summer. Needless to say, my blogging dropped off the face of the planet. As so many do. I'll try to keep it up throughout the year. I actually just posted an unfinished blog on CATS that I started in June, so there's that. And I've got another one that can only be described as "shit gets real" (I think I started it in early July) waiting in the wings. Right now it's a lot of emotional vomit. I'm gonna edit it as to not terrify you and I'll post that eventually too.
So here's what's changed since June:
1. My Hair. I'd never dyed my hair before July. Than I bleached the crap out of it. It was a little spicy. But looked awesome. Then I was like, "you're only in your early 20s once" and promptly fulfilled my preteen dream of dying my hair blue. Out of a box. Well actually a jar. But I now have a nice bright blue splotchy ribbon thing atop my head. It looks pretty weird. And I sort of love it. That's a lie, I definitely love it (Credit: Nicole Tischler. Amateur hair colorer extraordinaire). And I can't wait till it grows out into a blondeish, brownish, rooty blueish mullet. Not kidding. Seriously can't wait.
2. Belting. So I'm trying that now. It's resulted in me shout/cracking a lot of half tones at the front row of All Shook Up. Sorry I'm not sorry.
3. My parenting skills. I will write a blog about my summer job. Basically I worked full time at a day camp for special needs children. Lesson learned: Not my thing. Other lessons learned: how to be super mom. Seriously, my kids will be so well behaved, they might be mistaken for robots.
3b. Camper Imitations. I'm really good at these. And I have stories to top all crazy kid stories. Have you ever seen a kid pee in another kid's face? I thought not.
4. Body Image. Not gonna dwell on this. Expect a full blog later. Long story short, stopped dieting, gained some weight, don't care. Quite literally the first time in my life I can say that I'm not freaking out about my body. And it's awesome. Not gonna touch on eating disorders because it's a crazy touchy subject. So I'll tackle that later. I just felt that my brain not being crazy regimented was worth noting. And celebrating. :)
5. My general uptight-ness. Definitely related to #4. But I've chilled out a lot since May. So now I'm probably only like 3 times as nervous as the general populations. Crazy liberating.
6. Tolerance for stupidity. Lower. Much, much lower.
7. Vocalizing my lack of tolerance for stupidity. Higher. Much, much higher.
Hokay, this blog is crappy. But now you're updated. Quick and dirty. Basically I'm super overwhelmed with end of summer, beginning of school year stuff. So stick around. I'm going to try dotting my light witty blogs with a few serious subjects. You won't want to miss me trying to write a serious blog without sounding like a serious blog. It's gonna be fun =]
In the mean time
Here's the plan. I'm gonna sleep. Get myself finished with work and this show. Say adios to my friends and family in Parma. Move my life to Chicago. Sleep some more. Order my books. Start classes. Get a job. Adjust. Sleep more. Gonna give myself 3 weeks or so for my brain to get in order. Then I'll have the time and brain power to write. Super excited to get this started again!
So I'll see ya in 3 weeks.
*Puzzled look*
Hello Friends,
This week has kicked the crap out of me. I started my summer camp job (more on that later) and teched/opened CATS (the subject of this blog). This resulted in a serious lack of sleep that manifested itself in a 12 hour hibernation ending around noon today. It was glorious. Basically what I'm saying is, I let a week lapse in blogging. And that's ^ why.
Not my favorite show. Not even a show I liked. Until now.
The reasons to not enjoy Cats are pretty clear. Real simple, almost non-existent, plot, confusing metaphors you didn't really pick up on when you saw the movie, "JELLICLE SONGS FOR JELLICLE CATS, JELLICLE SONGS, JELLICLE DANCE, JELLICLES CAN, JELLICLE, JELLICLE, JELLICLE, JELLICLE" *punches Andrew Lloyed Webber in the face...then asks what the hell jellicle even means*
Jellicle = Jolly Old (cat) with an old man British accent. Way to be T.S. (We're on a first name basis).
Less obvious are the reasons to love CATS. Which I have posted in list form:
1. The Crazy Cat People. This show has the greatest fan base of any musical. Dare I say, they have exceeded the Rocky Horror level of cult. Don't believe me? Google "Cats the musical" and see what happens. Actually I'll save you the trouble: http://goldenjellicles.gotop100.com/. These are people that rent the costumes just to cat around their houses. And do makeup demos. And write thousands of character descriptions. I am proud to be part of a musical that so many crazy And come to the shows and hiss at us. Which is awesome.
2. Subtext. I don't know who came up with it, but it's awesome. Performing has the feeling of being in on a really good secret. Like halfway through the Jellicle Ball (sex romp) I lose my virginity. Upside-down in the splits mind you. And how Macavity has slept with pretty much all the lady cats. His sexuality basically motivates the show. It's great. There are Cat families and relationships. And the audience is clueless.
3. The Characters. I picture T.S. writing this show surrounded by at least 40 Cats. All with unique personalities. Pardon my getting sentimental, but I love that this guy wrote poems with so much specificity.
4. Makeup. We look like cats. And it freaks me out. I can't think of too many live shows that have makeup this extensive. I seriously think I can make a career out of kids face painting now. And it's fun to wear. In a gross way. An accurate simulation of the feeling can probably be achieved by covering your face is Vaseline, dunking your head into a vat of baking flour, and having someone hose you down. Then run a half marathon.
5. Cardio. We're offstage for a grand total of 10 minutes. If that. And I'm convinced we spend at least 50% of the time in high kicks. This creates the illusion that you can eat whatever you want. Lies, we wear unitards.
6. If you're not moving like a stripper, you're doing it wrong.
With that, I will let you know that I never posted this in June when I started it. It's now August 14th. Soooo this is not current. But I'm posting anyway.
Awkward 3 month late Peace Out,
This week has kicked the crap out of me. I started my summer camp job (more on that later) and teched/opened CATS (the subject of this blog). This resulted in a serious lack of sleep that manifested itself in a 12 hour hibernation ending around noon today. It was glorious. Basically what I'm saying is, I let a week lapse in blogging. And that's ^ why.
Not my favorite show. Not even a show I liked. Until now.
The reasons to not enjoy Cats are pretty clear. Real simple, almost non-existent, plot, confusing metaphors you didn't really pick up on when you saw the movie, "JELLICLE SONGS FOR JELLICLE CATS, JELLICLE SONGS, JELLICLE DANCE, JELLICLES CAN, JELLICLE, JELLICLE, JELLICLE, JELLICLE" *punches Andrew Lloyed Webber in the face...then asks what the hell jellicle even means*
Jellicle = Jolly Old (cat) with an old man British accent. Way to be T.S. (We're on a first name basis).
Less obvious are the reasons to love CATS. Which I have posted in list form:
1. The Crazy Cat People. This show has the greatest fan base of any musical. Dare I say, they have exceeded the Rocky Horror level of cult. Don't believe me? Google "Cats the musical" and see what happens. Actually I'll save you the trouble: http://goldenjellicles.gotop100.com/. These are people that rent the costumes just to cat around their houses. And do makeup demos. And write thousands of character descriptions. I am proud to be part of a musical that so many crazy And come to the shows and hiss at us. Which is awesome.
2. Subtext. I don't know who came up with it, but it's awesome. Performing has the feeling of being in on a really good secret. Like halfway through the Jellicle Ball (sex romp) I lose my virginity. Upside-down in the splits mind you. And how Macavity has slept with pretty much all the lady cats. His sexuality basically motivates the show. It's great. There are Cat families and relationships. And the audience is clueless.
3. The Characters. I picture T.S. writing this show surrounded by at least 40 Cats. All with unique personalities. Pardon my getting sentimental, but I love that this guy wrote poems with so much specificity.
4. Makeup. We look like cats. And it freaks me out. I can't think of too many live shows that have makeup this extensive. I seriously think I can make a career out of kids face painting now. And it's fun to wear. In a gross way. An accurate simulation of the feeling can probably be achieved by covering your face is Vaseline, dunking your head into a vat of baking flour, and having someone hose you down. Then run a half marathon.
5. Cardio. We're offstage for a grand total of 10 minutes. If that. And I'm convinced we spend at least 50% of the time in high kicks. This creates the illusion that you can eat whatever you want. Lies, we wear unitards.
6. If you're not moving like a stripper, you're doing it wrong.
With that, I will let you know that I never posted this in June when I started it. It's now August 14th. Soooo this is not current. But I'm posting anyway.
Awkward 3 month late Peace Out,
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Thoughts on Toddlers and Tiaras
Hi Fellas,
It's mid-week (in case you were wondering). I think I'm gonna aim for one solid blog per week-ish that I share on Facebook, Twitter, Smoke Signals, etc. I'll post some short random blogs in the mean time. Just to write. Because it's fun. That way you can kill 5 or 6 birds ("bird" = blog entry) with one stone per weekend, with at least one well thought out article. And I still get to write random stuff that doesn't suit itself to a full blog. Win win.
Sidebar: MY DOG IS DRIVING ME UP THE WALL. I will eventually do a "why my dog is cuter than your dog" blog, but right now, I would kill for puppy Ritalin.
I have some thoughts on Toddlers and Tiaras.
Who doesn't have some thoughts on Toddlers and Tiaras? This show is nuts. It's unhealthy. The parents on the show argue that pageants raise their kid's confidence. They probably do. But I think the collateral damage is worse.
What really gets me is their emphasis on facial beauty. It's a buzz word.
"It was a tie, so we broke it on facial beauty." "Facial beauty is worth 75% of their score." "My child has the best facial beauty."
OF COURSE your kid is the most beautiful. Beauty is subjective, and you're her mom. Duh. And how do you even judge facial beauty? Especially on kids! There are some beautiful people in this world who have nontraditional quirky faces. That's what makes them adorable! (see what I did there? I dodged the bullet of quoting a One Direction song. Well done self, well done). But seriously. How can you tell a three year old that she is more beautiful than another three year old? More importantly, how can you tell which three year old is more beautiful?! Beauty is genetic until you start taking meth or tanning too much.
Not only is beauty undefinable, but the emphasis parents put on it is crazy. Crazy Mom Quote of the Afternoon: "Facial beauty is the most important thing in a pageant, and really in life too. Beautiful people are the most successful." Full stop. I don't even feel the need to elaborate here.
What kind of effect would that have on a poor kid's self esteem? Puberty is rough enough when it's just your classmates judging you. They're putting their kids in front of a panel of adults. Unbelievable.
Some of the parents do it right. I don't see any harm in dressing your kid up and letting them strut around on stage. Even if it's a little too sexual. The kids are 10. It's going right over their heads. If you don't believe me, re-watch the spice girls movie. See, you turned out alright.
But still. How can we teach young girls that beauty counts for anything?! Everyone is beautiful (I tried so hard to avoid said cliché. Just lost that battle). It's not objective. And it shouldn't effect anything in life. In a perfect world.
I think this is what TLC intended when they put this show on the air. Even as I write this, I'm pretty confident most of you will agree with this blog. I hope this can be a catalyst away from crazy, old fashioned views of beauty. But in the mean time, I will definitely continue to watch, in horror.
True life.
Hope your weeks (collectively) are going well. Mine is pretty solid. Gonna walk my crazy dog now :)
Catch ya on the flip side (of what? I never really understood this)
It's mid-week (in case you were wondering). I think I'm gonna aim for one solid blog per week-ish that I share on Facebook, Twitter, Smoke Signals, etc. I'll post some short random blogs in the mean time. Just to write. Because it's fun. That way you can kill 5 or 6 birds ("bird" = blog entry) with one stone per weekend, with at least one well thought out article. And I still get to write random stuff that doesn't suit itself to a full blog. Win win.
Sidebar: MY DOG IS DRIVING ME UP THE WALL. I will eventually do a "why my dog is cuter than your dog" blog, but right now, I would kill for puppy Ritalin.
I have some thoughts on Toddlers and Tiaras.
Who doesn't have some thoughts on Toddlers and Tiaras? This show is nuts. It's unhealthy. The parents on the show argue that pageants raise their kid's confidence. They probably do. But I think the collateral damage is worse.
What really gets me is their emphasis on facial beauty. It's a buzz word.
"It was a tie, so we broke it on facial beauty." "Facial beauty is worth 75% of their score." "My child has the best facial beauty."
OF COURSE your kid is the most beautiful. Beauty is subjective, and you're her mom. Duh. And how do you even judge facial beauty? Especially on kids! There are some beautiful people in this world who have nontraditional quirky faces. That's what makes them adorable! (see what I did there? I dodged the bullet of quoting a One Direction song. Well done self, well done). But seriously. How can you tell a three year old that she is more beautiful than another three year old? More importantly, how can you tell which three year old is more beautiful?! Beauty is genetic until you start taking meth or tanning too much.
Not only is beauty undefinable, but the emphasis parents put on it is crazy. Crazy Mom Quote of the Afternoon: "Facial beauty is the most important thing in a pageant, and really in life too. Beautiful people are the most successful." Full stop. I don't even feel the need to elaborate here.
What kind of effect would that have on a poor kid's self esteem? Puberty is rough enough when it's just your classmates judging you. They're putting their kids in front of a panel of adults. Unbelievable.
Some of the parents do it right. I don't see any harm in dressing your kid up and letting them strut around on stage. Even if it's a little too sexual. The kids are 10. It's going right over their heads. If you don't believe me, re-watch the spice girls movie. See, you turned out alright.
But still. How can we teach young girls that beauty counts for anything?! Everyone is beautiful (I tried so hard to avoid said cliché. Just lost that battle). It's not objective. And it shouldn't effect anything in life. In a perfect world.
I think this is what TLC intended when they put this show on the air. Even as I write this, I'm pretty confident most of you will agree with this blog. I hope this can be a catalyst away from crazy, old fashioned views of beauty. But in the mean time, I will definitely continue to watch, in horror.
True life.
Hope your weeks (collectively) are going well. Mine is pretty solid. Gonna walk my crazy dog now :)
Catch ya on the flip side (of what? I never really understood this)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Stuff I'm Shamelessly Obsessed With
Aye there Buddies,
It's been another week of intense Catting. And by Catting I mean dancing my fanny off. I'm having a blast. I am so grateful to be part of such a dedicated, talented, hysterical cast this summer. I am also grateful for the icy-hot patches I have applied to my hamstrings for the weekend. I really should just get garbage bag pants.
With all my (not so) abundant free time I have this summer, I've found plenty of ways to bide my time until work starts. All of them, things I make fun of other people for. So I've decided to shame myself publicly.
Additionally, I'm gonna apologize for length here. I usually try to keep it short, sweet, and edited. But this is the list of stuff I'm so stuck on, I could probably give a 3 hour speech on each topic. I've organized it pretty nicely though I think. So take what you will.
Without further ado (is that how you spell that? I never know), allow me to present: My list of stuff that I love. Without Shame.
1. TLC Shows. Is it shameful? Yes. Can I literally feel my brain cells dying at every commercial break? Yes. This one is so unjustifiably good, it needs some sub-titles.
1A. Toddlers and Tiaras: Sickening? Cringe worthy? Kiddie Porn? Probably. 'nuff said.
1B. Sister Wives: I have never given polygamy much thought. But I think this is a workable system. I'm sure this show isn't the best representation of the polygamist community at large, but it looks like it works for them. I could never do it. But it's given me a new controversial issue to think about and pick your (collective) brains about. Mission accomplished.
1C. The Virgin Diaries: They only made 1 episode. And that is a shame. Feelin' crappy about your love life? There isn't a better downward comparison out there. I promise.
1D. Dance Moms: Like Toddlers and Tiaras. Only the kids are better dancers than me. Which inspires me to go on crash diets and stretch a lot. No harm done.
1E. All of the Wedding shows: Despite my vocal opposition to gender roles and feminism that boarders on philosophically extreme, I will have a classy wedding if it kills me. And I'm doing it for under $5,000. Mark my words.
2. "Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number. Call Me Maybe." I know it's a pop-y, overplayed, poorly written song. And I don't care. It's like my foot starts tapping before my brain can tell it to stop. There are few things better in this world that boppin' down the highway belting this bad boy out the car window.
3. Skins. This wouldn't be embarrassing if I hadn't watched seasons 3 and 4 a total of 5 times this summer. But I have. I'm sure the third gen is great, and the first gen was pretty solid, but this second one has engulfed all of my attention. Here's why:
3A. The parallels between Effie and Freddy's relationship and Hamlet. And how they point it out a season in advance. And how I just noticed it last night. Mind, blown.
3B. Naomily. No words. And my roommate Emily's analysis of the writing :) "Can we just sit here for a while. Yeah, for a while." God it's well done.
3C. Their accents.
3D. Pandora. "What do I want, surfing and turfing, when do I want it, now." Also, she doesn't look like a model. And she's so quirky. Again, well done.
3F. How the music changes each episode to fit the character.
3G. (Maybe Skins just deserves its own blog. Soon. I have some ends to tie up. Later this summer friends.) Ok, I love Cook's character as well. He's such an asshole. And this show made me care about him. Mission accomplished.
4. Cats. I have some explaining to do. When I first watched it on youtube, I bailed halfway through the second act for lack of plot. But after having to work on it, I'm hooked. This show has a CRAZY fan base. And cult fans are the best. These people have written thousands of descriptions for each cat's individual personality. I had just clumped them into a vague "grown adults pretending to be cats" category. Wrong. This show captures the crazy cat person's love of each cat as an individual. Seriously though, there's the fat cat song, the mischievous cat, kittens. An unexpected orgy. A series of cute, personal poems set to music. Clever. Original. Appreciated. I think I'm reading too much into this, and I think I'm becoming a super fan. And I will flaunt that. Cat's might have it's own blog entry too.
Well I think that basically covers the bases of "stuff we can't get Kaitlyn to shut up about this summer." At worst, my list of interests will make your list of interests look phenomenally intelligent. At best, you love all the shameful things I love and we can geek out about it together. Give me a call. Seriously though. Because I hold you captive and force you to watch seasons 3 and 4 of Skins in one sitting. Don't think I won't.
All of the love,
It's been another week of intense Catting. And by Catting I mean dancing my fanny off. I'm having a blast. I am so grateful to be part of such a dedicated, talented, hysterical cast this summer. I am also grateful for the icy-hot patches I have applied to my hamstrings for the weekend. I really should just get garbage bag pants.
With all my (not so) abundant free time I have this summer, I've found plenty of ways to bide my time until work starts. All of them, things I make fun of other people for. So I've decided to shame myself publicly.
Additionally, I'm gonna apologize for length here. I usually try to keep it short, sweet, and edited. But this is the list of stuff I'm so stuck on, I could probably give a 3 hour speech on each topic. I've organized it pretty nicely though I think. So take what you will.
Without further ado (is that how you spell that? I never know), allow me to present: My list of stuff that I love. Without Shame.
1. TLC Shows. Is it shameful? Yes. Can I literally feel my brain cells dying at every commercial break? Yes. This one is so unjustifiably good, it needs some sub-titles.
1A. Toddlers and Tiaras: Sickening? Cringe worthy? Kiddie Porn? Probably. 'nuff said.
1B. Sister Wives: I have never given polygamy much thought. But I think this is a workable system. I'm sure this show isn't the best representation of the polygamist community at large, but it looks like it works for them. I could never do it. But it's given me a new controversial issue to think about and pick your (collective) brains about. Mission accomplished.
1C. The Virgin Diaries: They only made 1 episode. And that is a shame. Feelin' crappy about your love life? There isn't a better downward comparison out there. I promise.
1D. Dance Moms: Like Toddlers and Tiaras. Only the kids are better dancers than me. Which inspires me to go on crash diets and stretch a lot. No harm done.
1E. All of the Wedding shows: Despite my vocal opposition to gender roles and feminism that boarders on philosophically extreme, I will have a classy wedding if it kills me. And I'm doing it for under $5,000. Mark my words.
2. "Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number. Call Me Maybe." I know it's a pop-y, overplayed, poorly written song. And I don't care. It's like my foot starts tapping before my brain can tell it to stop. There are few things better in this world that boppin' down the highway belting this bad boy out the car window.
3. Skins. This wouldn't be embarrassing if I hadn't watched seasons 3 and 4 a total of 5 times this summer. But I have. I'm sure the third gen is great, and the first gen was pretty solid, but this second one has engulfed all of my attention. Here's why:
3A. The parallels between Effie and Freddy's relationship and Hamlet. And how they point it out a season in advance. And how I just noticed it last night. Mind, blown.
3B. Naomily. No words. And my roommate Emily's analysis of the writing :) "Can we just sit here for a while. Yeah, for a while." God it's well done.
3C. Their accents.
3D. Pandora. "What do I want, surfing and turfing, when do I want it, now." Also, she doesn't look like a model. And she's so quirky. Again, well done.
3F. How the music changes each episode to fit the character.
3G. (Maybe Skins just deserves its own blog. Soon. I have some ends to tie up. Later this summer friends.) Ok, I love Cook's character as well. He's such an asshole. And this show made me care about him. Mission accomplished.
4. Cats. I have some explaining to do. When I first watched it on youtube, I bailed halfway through the second act for lack of plot. But after having to work on it, I'm hooked. This show has a CRAZY fan base. And cult fans are the best. These people have written thousands of descriptions for each cat's individual personality. I had just clumped them into a vague "grown adults pretending to be cats" category. Wrong. This show captures the crazy cat person's love of each cat as an individual. Seriously though, there's the fat cat song, the mischievous cat, kittens. An unexpected orgy. A series of cute, personal poems set to music. Clever. Original. Appreciated. I think I'm reading too much into this, and I think I'm becoming a super fan. And I will flaunt that. Cat's might have it's own blog entry too.
Well I think that basically covers the bases of "stuff we can't get Kaitlyn to shut up about this summer." At worst, my list of interests will make your list of interests look phenomenally intelligent. At best, you love all the shameful things I love and we can geek out about it together. Give me a call. Seriously though. Because I hold you captive and force you to watch seasons 3 and 4 of Skins in one sitting. Don't think I won't.
All of the love,
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Being all knowing, I Will Advise You In Life
Hi Friends!
Wow. Ok. Super busy week. This being the weekend though, I can stop neglecting this! Excellent! Let us begin.
NO WAIT before we (royal we? yes.) begin, I forgot 2 awesome things about Cleveland/Parma in my last post. #1 The Metroparks. Seriously Lakefront Trail and Central park got nuthin' on the untamed wilderness of Cleveland's biking/hiking trails. It's glorious. #2 Sterns Farm (Thanks Aunt Therese!). Because a farm within 5 miles of a major city deserves recognition.
Ok. Good to go.
So last week I was at my cousin's high school graduation party and his mom has this book out for all of us to write advice to him. I tried to come up with a witty quip about going out and partying whenever possible. It wasn't witty. But it got me thinking, I should write a blog about the vast magnitude of knowledge I have acquired in my first 2 years of college. So I think I'm gonna write some actual, thought out advice for high school/college/non students. Or else I'll just brag about how much I think I've grown in the past 2 years. We'll see.
What College Has Taught Me:
How To Poop Anywhere. (Clearly I am mature beyond my years) Anyone who lived in a dorm has hopefully acquired this skill. It's about 30% Tact, 20% Timing, and 50% Lack of Shame. Seriously though, I can take a dump anywhere completely incognito. Libraries during silent study hours, uncomfortably quiet hotel rooms, friends houses (you've been warned). Honestly, I recommend a dorm with community bathrooms solely for this purpose.
Sleeping at Night Feels Awesome. In high school I was lucky if I got 5 hours of sleep a night. And I was always sick, tired, and in a crap ass mood. Went to college, got 7 hours of sleep a night: problems solved. Try it. you'll like it.
It Doesn't Matter What People Think of You. Just do your thing. With the exception of your professors, employers, and maybe your grandparents, just do what you're doing. Shamelessly. Embarrass yourself a little, it won't kill you. Seriously, stop letting the fear of faux pas-ing get in your way. I faux pas all the time. So does everyone else. So lets all just stop kidding ourselves and start making others uncomfortable with our lack of social know how.
How To Relax. In high school I was about 7 times more tightly wound than I am now. And that's saying something. The El has really helped me work this one out. If my train is stuck on the tracks and I'm gonna be late, there is nothing I can do about it. Well I could hop out the window and plunge to certain death. But barring any irrational moves, if I'm late, people will just have to deal. You've got bigger fish to fry. And either way, if your late, you're late. Or if your grades suck, your grades suck. If you got food poisoning from the cafeteria food an hour before your date with that hot guy/doll in your bio class, there is nothing you can do about it. Life is just better when you're not giving yourself an ulcer.
Let People Be Mad at You. This is just something I really tip toed around in high school. It's not so bad. And a lot less frustrating on my end :)
Make Mistakes. College is a good place to figure yourself out. This can mean taking a wrong turn here and there. Don't worry about it. Fix it. Move on. Part II: Try new things. That's cool that you're life's ambition is to become the greatest underwater basket weaver ever, but taking a psychology class won't derail your life plans. Do stuff you didn't do in high school. Don't be afraid to realize that you have varies interests.
Ugghh there's a bigger point that I'm trying to make here, but I don't think this got it across. Aside from the pooping part which is 100% accurate. This will get updated. Hmmmmm think of this one as a thought in process.
Toodle Pip! (Cats. Plan on attending)
Wow. Ok. Super busy week. This being the weekend though, I can stop neglecting this! Excellent! Let us begin.
NO WAIT before we (royal we? yes.) begin, I forgot 2 awesome things about Cleveland/Parma in my last post. #1 The Metroparks. Seriously Lakefront Trail and Central park got nuthin' on the untamed wilderness of Cleveland's biking/hiking trails. It's glorious. #2 Sterns Farm (Thanks Aunt Therese!). Because a farm within 5 miles of a major city deserves recognition.
Ok. Good to go.
So last week I was at my cousin's high school graduation party and his mom has this book out for all of us to write advice to him. I tried to come up with a witty quip about going out and partying whenever possible. It wasn't witty. But it got me thinking, I should write a blog about the vast magnitude of knowledge I have acquired in my first 2 years of college. So I think I'm gonna write some actual, thought out advice for high school/college/non students. Or else I'll just brag about how much I think I've grown in the past 2 years. We'll see.
What College Has Taught Me:
How To Poop Anywhere. (Clearly I am mature beyond my years) Anyone who lived in a dorm has hopefully acquired this skill. It's about 30% Tact, 20% Timing, and 50% Lack of Shame. Seriously though, I can take a dump anywhere completely incognito. Libraries during silent study hours, uncomfortably quiet hotel rooms, friends houses (you've been warned). Honestly, I recommend a dorm with community bathrooms solely for this purpose.
Sleeping at Night Feels Awesome. In high school I was lucky if I got 5 hours of sleep a night. And I was always sick, tired, and in a crap ass mood. Went to college, got 7 hours of sleep a night: problems solved. Try it. you'll like it.
It Doesn't Matter What People Think of You. Just do your thing. With the exception of your professors, employers, and maybe your grandparents, just do what you're doing. Shamelessly. Embarrass yourself a little, it won't kill you. Seriously, stop letting the fear of faux pas-ing get in your way. I faux pas all the time. So does everyone else. So lets all just stop kidding ourselves and start making others uncomfortable with our lack of social know how.
How To Relax. In high school I was about 7 times more tightly wound than I am now. And that's saying something. The El has really helped me work this one out. If my train is stuck on the tracks and I'm gonna be late, there is nothing I can do about it. Well I could hop out the window and plunge to certain death. But barring any irrational moves, if I'm late, people will just have to deal. You've got bigger fish to fry. And either way, if your late, you're late. Or if your grades suck, your grades suck. If you got food poisoning from the cafeteria food an hour before your date with that hot guy/doll in your bio class, there is nothing you can do about it. Life is just better when you're not giving yourself an ulcer.
Let People Be Mad at You. This is just something I really tip toed around in high school. It's not so bad. And a lot less frustrating on my end :)
Make Mistakes. College is a good place to figure yourself out. This can mean taking a wrong turn here and there. Don't worry about it. Fix it. Move on. Part II: Try new things. That's cool that you're life's ambition is to become the greatest underwater basket weaver ever, but taking a psychology class won't derail your life plans. Do stuff you didn't do in high school. Don't be afraid to realize that you have varies interests.
Ugghh there's a bigger point that I'm trying to make here, but I don't think this got it across. Aside from the pooping part which is 100% accurate. This will get updated. Hmmmmm think of this one as a thought in process.
Toodle Pip! (Cats. Plan on attending)
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Why Cleveland Doesn't Suck THAT Bad.
Wouldn't that be a cool greeting if I was blogging from Hawaii? I'm not.
Being from Cleveland is pretty solid ammunition to win almost any "my hometown sucks worse than your hometown" discussion. Our river was so polluted it caught on fire, we have a higher crime rate than New York, and our sports teams...well... anyway. And being from Parma, might be worse. Clevelander's know what I'm getting at here. If you're unfamiliar, might I suggest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3oTCatzz7A. (Parts of this are filmed mere blocks from my house.)
And I am proud of that shit. All of it. Cleveland's burning rivers, Parma with our lack of contraceptives,
Here's why:
1. Pierogies. It wasn't until recently that I discovered not everyone eats these. My only question: Why God why? Parma is kindof the Mecca of Pierogies. And you haven't lived until you've eaten a Prune one. Don't knock it till you try it...then find a bathroom. quick.
2. This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM&NR=1&feature=endscreen Hilarity.
3. Both Cleveland and Parma have a wicked sense of self deprecating humor (see above). No one is proud of Cleveland. No one brags about their crazy weekend getting robbed at the Rock Hall to out of town relatives. And through that humble shame, we crank out hysterical youtube videos. I like a city that can laugh at itself.
4. The Boar's Head and Yule Log Festival. I did it this year (see facebook for documentation). You dress in Medieval garb and do a mystery play. There is also a sing along of the Hallelujah Chorus. They seriously hand out the score and the whole church just kinda wings it. It. is. awesome. And SO LOUD!
5. I was riding my bike down Broadview the other day and passed a car parts store that literally sings at you as you drive on by. I don't think people notice it (because they're in their cars), but it was awesome enough to distract me into almost getting caught in the death trap canyon between the sidewalk and the grass.
6. Parma is the middle of middle class. It's the only city where the mean household income per street incrementally increases from North to South.
7. We are so middle class in fact, that we set the benchmark of middle class hood. When companies need to find out what the average Joe thinks about anything, they survey Parma. We are the most average of the average. And that makes us first in something! And that, my friends, is pretty fancy.
8. Pink flamingos and chrome balls in people's yards.
9. Our constant effort to be cultural. Parma is pretty homogeneous. So why not celebrate all that light European-ness with Polish and Ukrainian Villiage? And those signs of JP2? Weird. I don't understand.
10. Driving down State Rd: Bowling, Pizza, Bar, Church, Repeat. The only street you'll ever need.
11. My family lives here. And we are a fantastic group of humans. 'nuff said.
12. Our sports teams suck more than industrial strength vacuums, and people still go to games. Maybe it's brainwashing. Maybe Jacob's field has magical powers. I'm seriously leaning towards the latter. Either way, way to go Cleveland fans. A+ for dedication.
13. Living in Cleveland means you're living in a regional inside joke. What I'm trying to get across is that Cleveland has so many gems (Trinity Cathedral, Coventry, Lake Erie) that everyone uses, but no one brags about. I know it sounds weird, but I love how humble Cleveland is. It's cool without knowing it's cool. So it's hipster.
I'm gonna leave you with that.
Aloha, (I wish all greetings were interchangeable the way "aloha" is)
Wouldn't that be a cool greeting if I was blogging from Hawaii? I'm not.
Being from Cleveland is pretty solid ammunition to win almost any "my hometown sucks worse than your hometown" discussion. Our river was so polluted it caught on fire, we have a higher crime rate than New York, and our sports teams...well... anyway. And being from Parma, might be worse. Clevelander's know what I'm getting at here. If you're unfamiliar, might I suggest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3oTCatzz7A. (Parts of this are filmed mere blocks from my house.)
And I am proud of that shit. All of it. Cleveland's burning rivers, Parma with our lack of contraceptives,
Here's why:
1. Pierogies. It wasn't until recently that I discovered not everyone eats these. My only question: Why God why? Parma is kindof the Mecca of Pierogies. And you haven't lived until you've eaten a Prune one. Don't knock it till you try it...then find a bathroom. quick.
2. This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM&NR=1&feature=endscreen Hilarity.
3. Both Cleveland and Parma have a wicked sense of self deprecating humor (see above). No one is proud of Cleveland. No one brags about their crazy weekend getting robbed at the Rock Hall to out of town relatives. And through that humble shame, we crank out hysterical youtube videos. I like a city that can laugh at itself.
4. The Boar's Head and Yule Log Festival. I did it this year (see facebook for documentation). You dress in Medieval garb and do a mystery play. There is also a sing along of the Hallelujah Chorus. They seriously hand out the score and the whole church just kinda wings it. It. is. awesome. And SO LOUD!
5. I was riding my bike down Broadview the other day and passed a car parts store that literally sings at you as you drive on by. I don't think people notice it (because they're in their cars), but it was awesome enough to distract me into almost getting caught in the death trap canyon between the sidewalk and the grass.
6. Parma is the middle of middle class. It's the only city where the mean household income per street incrementally increases from North to South.
7. We are so middle class in fact, that we set the benchmark of middle class hood. When companies need to find out what the average Joe thinks about anything, they survey Parma. We are the most average of the average. And that makes us first in something! And that, my friends, is pretty fancy.
8. Pink flamingos and chrome balls in people's yards.
9. Our constant effort to be cultural. Parma is pretty homogeneous. So why not celebrate all that light European-ness with Polish and Ukrainian Villiage? And those signs of JP2? Weird. I don't understand.
10. Driving down State Rd: Bowling, Pizza, Bar, Church, Repeat. The only street you'll ever need.
11. My family lives here. And we are a fantastic group of humans. 'nuff said.
12. Our sports teams suck more than industrial strength vacuums, and people still go to games. Maybe it's brainwashing. Maybe Jacob's field has magical powers. I'm seriously leaning towards the latter. Either way, way to go Cleveland fans. A+ for dedication.
13. Living in Cleveland means you're living in a regional inside joke. What I'm trying to get across is that Cleveland has so many gems (Trinity Cathedral, Coventry, Lake Erie) that everyone uses, but no one brags about. I know it sounds weird, but I love how humble Cleveland is. It's cool without knowing it's cool. So it's hipster.
I'm gonna leave you with that.
Aloha, (I wish all greetings were interchangeable the way "aloha" is)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Hi Friends! I Started This Blog!
Hi Friends!
I can call you friends because I assume you're reading this cause I told you too. I don't know anyone who randomly reads Blogger profiles just cause they were bored. This is just a sort of starter/tester/format check entry, I'll actually begin recounting my riveting summer in Ohio in a few days. Possibly tonight. We shall see. Anyway, I think the best way to start this would be to introduce myself. Since I'm gonna guess you already know me (see above explanation) I thought I'd share some lesser known facts about myself. Pay attention, there will be a quiz:
1. My favorite beverage is anything diet. I know the carcinogens will eventually kill me, and have no comment on the subject. I just can't justify drinking the same drink (more or less) but for 200 more calories. The day someone figures out how to make zero calorie alcohol, I will be a happy happy girl. I mean, I turn 21 in July. I'll get back to you.
2. When I was little I would rescue all the worms from the sidewalk after it rained so they wouldn't shrivel up and die when the pavement dried. (Sidebar: Before these pre-emptive worm rescue missions, I tried to rehydrate the worms by spitting on them. It didn't work. And the neighbors were none too pleased)
3. I thoroughly enjoy SAT/ACT week, AP tests, finals week, and proficiency testing.
4. I have an obsession with old photographs/letters/historical documents. There's something so relatable about looking at pictures of people who've already done life.
5. My favorite kitchen gadget is the apple cutter that makes your apples into Slinky's.
6. My favorite kitchen activity is eating slinky apples (does that sound dirty? it's not meant to) and rave dancing with my puppy (Stella. She's cuter than your dog probably). Not at the same time.
7. I played trombone in the marching band, wind ensemble, and orchestra in high school.
8. I like organizing my writing by number. Sometimes of the Roman variety.
9. I am fundamentally opposed to smart phones. My cellular device is remedial.
10. I'm not exactly thoughtful, I'm just full of thoughts. This blog will basically be all the thinks in my head spat out onto the interwebs
*11. I refer to the internet as the interweb
10 (Continued). I hope you enjoy! I'm up for suggestions. But mostly I'm just gonna write whatever comes to mind. It would be cool if you could write responses. Can that happen on blogs? I hope so. Let's figure that out. Writing this list has already made me think of about 4 blogs I definitely want to write. Huzzah!
I need to come up with a cool sign off. I'll just test out a few over the next few blogs.
Hasta Luego! (nothing like a legit demonstration that I passed Spanish I)
I can call you friends because I assume you're reading this cause I told you too. I don't know anyone who randomly reads Blogger profiles just cause they were bored. This is just a sort of starter/tester/format check entry, I'll actually begin recounting my riveting summer in Ohio in a few days. Possibly tonight. We shall see. Anyway, I think the best way to start this would be to introduce myself. Since I'm gonna guess you already know me (see above explanation) I thought I'd share some lesser known facts about myself. Pay attention, there will be a quiz:
1. My favorite beverage is anything diet. I know the carcinogens will eventually kill me, and have no comment on the subject. I just can't justify drinking the same drink (more or less) but for 200 more calories. The day someone figures out how to make zero calorie alcohol, I will be a happy happy girl. I mean, I turn 21 in July. I'll get back to you.
2. When I was little I would rescue all the worms from the sidewalk after it rained so they wouldn't shrivel up and die when the pavement dried. (Sidebar: Before these pre-emptive worm rescue missions, I tried to rehydrate the worms by spitting on them. It didn't work. And the neighbors were none too pleased)
3. I thoroughly enjoy SAT/ACT week, AP tests, finals week, and proficiency testing.
4. I have an obsession with old photographs/letters/historical documents. There's something so relatable about looking at pictures of people who've already done life.
5. My favorite kitchen gadget is the apple cutter that makes your apples into Slinky's.
6. My favorite kitchen activity is eating slinky apples (does that sound dirty? it's not meant to) and rave dancing with my puppy (Stella. She's cuter than your dog probably). Not at the same time.
7. I played trombone in the marching band, wind ensemble, and orchestra in high school.
8. I like organizing my writing by number. Sometimes of the Roman variety.
9. I am fundamentally opposed to smart phones. My cellular device is remedial.
10. I'm not exactly thoughtful, I'm just full of thoughts. This blog will basically be all the thinks in my head spat out onto the interwebs
*11. I refer to the internet as the interweb
10 (Continued). I hope you enjoy! I'm up for suggestions. But mostly I'm just gonna write whatever comes to mind. It would be cool if you could write responses. Can that happen on blogs? I hope so. Let's figure that out. Writing this list has already made me think of about 4 blogs I definitely want to write. Huzzah!
I need to come up with a cool sign off. I'll just test out a few over the next few blogs.
Hasta Luego! (nothing like a legit demonstration that I passed Spanish I)
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