Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hi Friends! I Started This Blog!

Hi Friends!

I can call you friends because I assume you're reading this cause I told you too. I don't know anyone who randomly reads Blogger profiles just cause they were bored. This is just a sort of starter/tester/format check entry, I'll actually begin recounting my riveting summer in Ohio in a few days. Possibly tonight. We shall see. Anyway, I think the best way to start this would be to introduce myself. Since I'm gonna guess you already know me (see above explanation) I thought I'd share some lesser known facts about myself. Pay attention, there will be a quiz:

1. My favorite beverage is anything diet. I know the carcinogens will eventually kill me, and have no comment on the subject. I just can't justify drinking the same drink (more or less) but for 200 more calories. The day someone figures out how to make zero calorie alcohol, I will be a happy happy girl. I mean, I turn 21 in July. I'll get back to you.

2. When I was little I would rescue all the worms from the sidewalk after it rained so they wouldn't shrivel up and die when the pavement dried. (Sidebar: Before these pre-emptive worm rescue missions, I tried to rehydrate the worms by spitting on them. It didn't work. And the neighbors were none too pleased)

3. I thoroughly enjoy SAT/ACT week, AP tests, finals week, and proficiency testing.

4. I have an obsession with old photographs/letters/historical documents. There's something so relatable about looking at pictures of people who've already done life.

5. My favorite kitchen gadget is the apple cutter that makes your apples into Slinky's.

6. My favorite kitchen activity is eating slinky apples (does that sound dirty? it's not meant to) and rave dancing with my puppy (Stella. She's cuter than your dog probably). Not at the same time.

7. I played trombone in the marching band, wind ensemble, and orchestra in high school.

8. I like organizing my writing by number. Sometimes of the Roman variety.

9. I am fundamentally opposed to smart phones. My cellular device is remedial.

10. I'm not exactly thoughtful, I'm just full of thoughts. This blog will basically be all the thinks in my head spat out onto the interwebs

*11. I refer to the internet as the interweb

10 (Continued). I hope you enjoy! I'm up for suggestions. But mostly I'm just gonna write whatever comes to mind. It would be cool if you could write responses. Can that happen on blogs? I hope so. Let's figure that out. Writing this list has already made me think of about 4 blogs I definitely want to write. Huzzah!

I need to come up with a cool sign off. I'll just test out a few over the next few blogs.

Hasta Luego! (nothing like a legit demonstration that I passed Spanish I)


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