Ayeoo Internet.
This Tuesday is my dead brother's 21st birthday. If any of this is news to you I've written many many blogs to answer all of your questions. You can find them under the tag "Brother."
In celebration of what I'm sure would have been a humiliating vomit fest for all persons involved, I have assembled an equally humiliating collection of photographs. The following documents our coincidentally similar hairstyles. Let us begin.
1) Growing up, our mom cut everyone's hair. This resulted in deep rooted skepticism of anyone holding scissors within a foot of my head, and multiple Spock-esc bang lines. Mine of course, I did by accident all by myself, but let's not dwell.

You're welcome baby brother. You are welcome.
2) It is early 2005 and every single Dessoffy is tap dancing. Nick's hair looks like Paul McCartney and (for varying reasons) everyone is embarrassed. This is also forever the photo I submit in the "most awkward adolescent" category. Junior year of college my hair looked like Paul McCartney because haircuts cost money and I hadn't yet purchased a buzzer.

3) Jump ahead 5 years and Nick has decided that he is too cool for school and haircuts. This is the result. Baby Kaitlyn didn't like change and had this exact haircut until age 15. And then again until age 19.
4) Nick never washed his hair and was occasionally forced to look presentable. Enter, the ponytail. Even pre-actualized babygay Kaitlyn valued the functionality of wearing her hair in a pulled back literally at all times.
5) Next this happened. I called him Fabio, and only Fabio, until he changed it. I never actually had long blonde hair, but I got to wear this long blond wig once. So that counts right?
6) When in doubt or emotional turmoil, shave half your head. This stands for both of us.
7) I'm 80% sure the short blond came next. And by blond I mean brassy yellow cause both of us did it ourselves and have limited knowledge of how to safely bleach the pigment out of your hair. Waddup toner.
7.5) Then there was this. I was never ballsy enough to pull it off so I don't have a companion picture. It's a reference to some band I'm not cool enough to know, but too good to pass up. Also, this outfit.
8) It's summer time and students no longer need to be in uniform. The picture is dark, but you have to believe me, kid's hair is electric blue. In my case, I finally was wigged for a show and got to fulfill a childhood dream of putting blue in my hairs. Not all my hairs, but some of them.
9) Sometimes you have to take it back to square one and just buzz it all off. Sometimes you get too excited about your new buzzer and look like a potato for 2 months.

*Kudos to Gabster for wearing the nose play-dough better than me.
I think that about wraps it up. I'm going to post one more picture because it's my favorite picture of us, and the closest we ever came to having the same hair (and face) at the same time.
With that embarrassing stumble down memory lane forever emblazoned on the internet, I'm going to leave this be. I hope you enjoyed this little piece of weirdness. Have a good rest of your week.