Happy New Years Eve Everyone!
This morning I crawled out of bed after a wonderfully sound sleep following our 12 hour car trek from Atlanta to Cleveland. As I snuggled into my warm sheets and checked the time, I little brown dot caught my eye. And there it was. A bed bug. And one of his (hopefully few) friends.
But really.
How does this happen to one person, two times, IN TWO DIFFERENT STATES NO LESS, 3 months apart?
So my New Years Eve Day will be spent with my mom and a laundromat. *bells, whistles.*
I'm ringing in the new year with a distinct sense that I am actually breeding bedbugs in my body somewhere and the worst buzz cut imaginable for my face shape. From a "first word problems" perspective, this is looking pretty bleak. But luckily for me, the bugs are only from our suitcases (damn you hotel) and I look bomb ass hot in beanies. I refuse to take this as any indication of how the following year will progress.
In an effort to make 2014 as bug free and stylish as possible, I've made some New Years resolutions that I'd like to share with you. But because it's only the 31st, you'll have to wait for tomorrow for those. Today, I will check in with my 2012 self's resolutions to see what marvelous progress I have made. Here we go.
1. Be able to do at least 1 pull up.
Nope. Let's not talk about it.
2. Actually vomit from drinking.
What was I thinking? I think its an achievement that this never happened...save for that one night with Pearl... you know what, let's not talk about this one either.
3. Volunteer.
Pass. Clearly I've made great strides this year.
4. Food.
SUCCESS! Its a work in progress, but I haven't weighed myself since Easter 2013 and I've only had like 3 meltdowns over cookies! And I'm not dieting. At all. Ahhh gold stars and self congratulatory praises!
5. Speak Up.
This year I realized that conversations are a 2 way street. I think it made a difference.
6. Do Work.
I did a clean quadruple pirouette at Hot Mikado auditions. It will never happen again. My work here is done.
6.5 Do not beat yourself up because you are not the most slender, graceful, powerful, flexible, stunning dancer in the world. Work with what you've got. Boom.
Yep. Backfired in me telling my ballet teacher that I don't like ballet. So I'm trying to resolve that. Doing well on that front though.
7. Work as a Barista at some point.
Nope. Though I did apply for several barista positions they value promptness and experience over my CPR and CPI certifications.
8. Write a play.
Aint nobody got time for that.
9. Date.
Yep. I now have more super cool gay friends and a separate collection of horror stories. I'm going to prematurely deem this successful. And ongoing. So hit me up.
10. Follow my gut.
I described this as "being less type A." And if that's the case, its a mixed bag. But overall, not too shabby.
So there ya go. My accomplishments and failures splayed out for the internet.
I gotta go do all my laundry. Literally. All my laundry.