Hey there internet.
My laundry's drying and I've got time to kill. The dryers in our basement take at least an hour and a half to dry clothes. On the upside, they take my weeks worth of laundry in one go. Convenience.
Problem is, I can't come up with a unified topic to write on tonight so this might just be a splattering of thoughts.
We've been discussing racism and prejudice in literally all but 1 of my classes this week (that one class is jazz incase you were wondering). I think our generation's challenge is to meld this post-structuralist "beyond race" ideology, with the realities of society. Also, I don't know that I personally am ready to give up race as it pertains to culture. That said, I was raised in a predominantly causation middle class suburb with my cultural ties limited to a few Polish songs, Hungarian recipes, and stories from my grandparents about the ethnic communities they grew up in. Any connection I had to my ethnicity has been absorbed into the meld of American suburbanism. But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate (and envy) other people's connection to their culture. I feel like if we actually made the societal shift to a post-racial society, we would all meld into these people without culture or a sense of history. And I am far too nostalgic to handle that. But on that same token, race gives people such a visible trait to discriminate against. And that is unacceptable. But is it worth giving up your culture to eliminate prejudice? Is that even possible?
My solution: Everybody just be nice to one another.
I know we say that's an easy one, but people are mean sometimes. Usually in groups. And always for some very legitimate reason or other. But I think we need to learn to look out for our buddies a little. This doesn't mean eliminating all negative happenings from the world, but we can do better. And you know it.
Not sorry for preaching. Let that old sense of Catholic guilt permeate your thoughts. Haunt your dreams. Turn those dreams into nightmares and resolve in your awkwardly confessing them to a man of the clergy. Job well done.
On a lighter note, the temperature was in the mid 50s today in Chicago! Fucking finally! It doesn't quite feel like spring yet, but things have definitely started to thaw. And the classrooms still blast the heat, so they're hot as balls.
As a lady, I don't actually know how hot balls are. Men, you can fill me in here. I'll amend later if the consensus is that it is inaccurate.
Alternate suggestions:
Hotter than a cat on a hot tin roof.
Hotter than the love child of Tegan Quinn and Adam Levine. Just imagine the bone structure. Ugh.
Hotter than freshly brewed coffee that you want to spit out but choke down only to have it scald your tongue and impaire your taste buds for the next 24 hours.
Hotter than pergatory. Didn't see that one coming didja?
These are getting lame fast. And my laundry might be done. One can dream. SO I'm going to leave you with that.
Hasta Luego (shit, this reminded me that I need to take my Espanol placement test... or my preguntas determinar que clase de Espanol I will take. I don't think any of that was real Spanish. Feelin confident.)