Monday, October 1, 2012

Consider this that love note I never wrote cause I'm not square. Wait, who am I kidding, love notes are not square. Well I mean, they're literally square, maybe more rectangular...

This is really just a quick thought. Mostly because it's 12:15 and I have a 9:30 class tomorrow.

I don't really buy into the concept of God putting people in people's lives for a reason. Than again, I don't really buy into the concept of God, at least not the puppet master, all knowing, personal guide to the universe version I learned in PSR. Any other PSR kids by the by? I feel like most of ya'll went to Catholic school and therefore were protected from the horror that is an additional 2 hours of Monday added onto your Monday simply so you could receive your sacraments.

First world Catholic youth problems.


when I look around, I realize how lucky I am to have met the people I am friends with. I think my personality is just the type where I would literally do nothing until provoked. I've always used the analogy of being a fly on the wall of life. Kindof like a wallflower, only not as dainty, faster, and has bitchin' technical maneuvers.

I need to stop segwaying or this will literally never get finished. Did you know that spell check auto corrects segway" to "nosegay"? How is "segway" not a word but "nosegay" is? ohhh it's because segue is spelled differently from segway. On that subject, I need to start segwaying, it looks like a great form of non-exercise and public humiliation.

...maybe I should get tested...ADD is an actual thing...

OK. Bottom line: To the humans in my life: Thank you for being awesome. I love that you are open about things because I have a lot of walls up. Seeing you be so fearlessly honest makes me feel like the world will not crumble to the ground should I decide to crawl out of my shell. If you're not one of my super open, extroverted friends, no fear, I still love you. Quiet kid solidarity for the win. But really guys. I feel like I don't say this enough, I love and appreciate all of you. Thank you for just being [insert winning adjective that my 12:40 brain can't think of]. Does my lack of an adjective cheapen the fact that I've just complimented NO MORE TANGENTS KAITLYN, GO TO BED.

I'm not schizophrenic I swear.

Good night. Sleep well. Pat yourself on the back for being flawless.


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