Monday, October 15, 2012

A Defense for the Neurotic

Hi All.

So it's been longer than I'd hoped. Mostly due to a script I got to write and direct. Had 6 lovely, hard working ladies put The Norman Rockwell Monologues on it's feet. And it was a great experience. And then I forgot this post existed until today. Oops.

Quote of the Day: "It does make sense, in a 90s children's movie, to have heterosexual horses."

Segue to blog topic:

Little known Kaitlyn Fact of the Day: I am super envious of people who don't schedule their lives. As of late, this envy might have turned to self hatred, rooted in my inability to adapt to said lifestyle.

My people, if you will, are responsible for a great deal of "stick up your ass" rules. Generally broken by much cooler, English 300 type transcendentalists. We are taught in said English classes that these free spirited folks saved the world from the evils of "The English Social Season" and "the Débutante system." After reading these philosophical, enlightened papers we are encouraged to take up the torch, live freely! Carpe Diem! Take time to smell the roses!

Bull Shit.

I present: A Defense for the Neurotic.

While this abominable concept of "free time" may work for some people, when I am given a chunk of unscheduled time, I panic. Take my MWF schedule. My first class doesn't start till 1:40. Big mistake. In an attempt to be less routine-ee, last Wednesday I decided to wing it. The result: I sat on the quad and ate a sandwich for an hour. Bored out of my mind. Tried to combat intense boredom by checking out a Stephen King novel from the library about baseball.

Nothing about this situation is acceptable. First of all, Stephen King novels are terrifying, and I get freaked out by scary movie trailers. Second, I am in no way a fan of baseball. I like to play pick up games, but I was nearly kicked off my t-ball league for doing cartwheels in the outfield. So if unscheduled time for me results in Blockade Billy, we know there's a serious problem.

Que panic: what the hell is wrong with me that I can't handle a morning with no plans? It literally depresses me to think that there may come a time in my life when I will do reading that I won't later be held accountable for or sing without the prospect of an audition.

Then I got to thinking, what's so bad about scheduling every minute of your life? I mean, you have to spend like $12 on a planner, but other than that, you've got nothing to lose! Want to smell the roses? Pencil it in! How great would your day be if you woke up, looked at your planner, and saw that you were scheduled to smell roses from 2:34-3pm!? DAY MADE.

Also, scheduled people get so much more done. If you see how little time you have to write those 5 papers, you'll get um done before 3am. That said, anyone who frequents the IC knows that I occasionally have sleepovers there. Not the fun kind. The kind where you're alone and unconscious, having stress dreams about your pile of note cards that are only half done.

 Now, this is not to say I don't love my transcendental, save the human spirit type folks. A lot of my nearest, dearest friends are not chained to their schedules. And I love that they are so darned unregimented. But I feel like no one ever defends the fun suckers.

You're welcome.


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