Friday, May 9, 2014

College Graduation!


Done with formal schooling 5ever!!!!

I'm really excited about this if you can't tell. I don't really have anything prolific to say but it feels important enough to warrant some from of blog update. I much prefer this to high school graduation. Way less of a production. Plus our gowns looked so much better than the grey sack I had to wear at Parma. The one wardrobe mistake I did make was forgetting to buy nice shoes to wear under it. So I wore pants and boots. Which I thought looked collegiate and badass, until I got there and realized that my roommate Emily and I were two of three chicks in pants. Even then I still thought it looked collegiate and badass, so actually I don't care. But again, worth noting. Unless you want to be in a very small minority, wear a dress ladies. Proceeded to take a whole bunch of pictures, I'm looking at the correct camera in maybe four of them. Maybe.

Mostly I feel like I just put a huge stamp of completion over a huge phase of my life. All I have left to do at Loyola proper is a little bit of costume shop business and them I'm wrapped up. Similar to the feeling when you finally finish all your assignments for a term and you get to go on winter break. But this time I know that I don't have to apply for classes or order books or anything. Sweet sweet relief.

Plus I just transferred most of my important emails to gmail, and figured out how to organize my gmail. I'm not going to lie, I didn't realize you could organize your email. Like I always thought it was either in your inbox or you deleted it. And since the internet is a limitless black hole, I just left everything in there. Then I heard my friends who work in administration critiquing each other's email organization and I was like, shit I need to google some things. Long story short, I feel that I have absolutely entered adulthood because my inbox is nearly empty.

That pretty much wraps it up. My parents left and were like, "alright, go party it up" and I was like, "I got up at 7 this morning. I'm going to watch netflix." Goodnight.


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